2010年2月16日 星期二

今天嘗鮮灌了win7+ubuntu 9.10來玩,ubuntu在首次開機並設定透過wireless連線pppoe後,重新開機後,GNOME的NetworkManager發現就不work了, 點擊NM, 是show "裝置無法管理",
因為 Debian and Ubuntu 有改過 NetworkManager 的程式碼,所以…
因此,傳統的 ifconfig or NetworkManager 只能二選一
若要用 ifconfig 來設定網路,那在 /etc/network/interfaces 裡就會有:

auto eth0
iface eth0 inet dhcp
auto eth1
iface eth1 inet dhcp
wireless-essid myap

若這樣,NetworkManager 就不會去管 eth0 eth1 這兩張網卡了

因此,若你想要讓 eth1 這張無線網卡交給 NetworkManager 來管理
就要把 eth1 的部份註解掉

#auto eth1
#iface eth1 inet dhcp
#wireless-essid myap

Debian and Ubuntu modified NetworkManager so that it would not manage any devices listed in /etc/network/interfaces. If you open this file and comment out the lines for the interfaces you want to manage and reboot NetworkManager will see them. **Do not comment out l0**

Devices which are automatically configured on boot will not be available in NetworkManager. To allow network manager to use all of your devices remove instances of auto in /etc/network/interfaces. (apart from the “auto lo” line, which is needed for the loopback interface)
